Probate Mastermind Podcast

Building Success in Probate and Divorce Leads | ATL Mastermind #489

All The Leads

The session brings together real estate professionals discussing strategies and challenges in probate and divorce markets. Tim and Bruce emphasize the importance of active participation, learning from market experiences, and sharing those experiences. Various topics covered include handling cold calls despite fear, leveraging courthouse visits for probate insights, techniques for working with leads, especially when facing rejection or legal constraints such as Do Not Call lists, and utilizing technology and personal outreach to nurture leads. Tim and Bruce also address specifics like using cash advances in probate, potential in military markets, and the value of offering diversified services. New offers and discounts for divorce leads are introduced, expanding opportunities for professionals willing to integrate both probate and divorce cases into their real estate practices. The podcast encourages proactive learning, support, and practical execution to achieve success in real estate.

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